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Posts Taged neurorehabilitation

Neurovisión has been implanted in Canarias Hospital as a pioneer device for neuronal injuries

The Icot Ciudad de Telde Hospital Icot Ciudad de Telde has a pioneering technology in the national territory for the recovery of hemianopia, a visual alteration that is caused by acquired brain damage. It is a device designed by the doctor Manuel Murie, medical director of the Neurorehabilitation Unit of the aforementioned health center, which works through a lens and an application installed on a mobile phone. “This tool allows them to illuminate points on the terminal screen so that the patient indicates whether they can see them or not. All this is memorized by the device, so the next step is to send a series of light stimuli that are messages of” act in these areas of the visual field, “explains the artifice of this system.

Manuel Murie- Neurovision Hospital Icot Ciudad de Telde.
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NeuroPlatform HealtheHealth project – Finalist of ATANA 2016 Awards

We turned the Atana 2016 awards, which recognize innovative spirit and technological development of Navarre.

We are immersed in the development of a number of applications in the world of neurorehabilitation for mobile devices that meet the medical needs identified by specialists and are clearly oriented to the patient.

They help patients on a day to day process of neurorehabilitation through daily exercises and customization, and monitoring of the patient by the medical professional. It is an innovative project that aims to speed the recovery of patients with brain damage who suffer facial affect, speech problems and spasticity, among other ailments.

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