NeuroAPP is software for monitoring and control of patients with spasticity, dystonia, headache and chronic pain. NeuroAPP is the solution developed by HeH to help patients and their physicians to monitor conditions such as spasticity, dystonia, headache and chronic pain.
The application provides information to the user of the evolution of the disease and the user enters information about infiltrations and follow-up treatment at different stages of evolution of the disease. The doctor thanks to information provided by the patient to the application, you can quickly see information that helps you make decisions about next steps with the patient and the evolution of pain.
NeuroAPP is the application that responds perfectly to the HeH rules:
Through mobile devices, comfortably at home.
Each user selects from the beginning the disease and the application will guide you in entering data.
The patient records all its history infiltrations and can check and see the evolution and the time between different infiltrations. The patient controls and knows his treatment.
Our specialized Medical Department is aware of problems and patient situations that face these pathologies and difficulties in everyday life posed by these ailments. Therefore, the requested data infiltrations and quality of life states are focused on learning of the evolution of treatment and improve the quality of life of patients. We know what medicine can get but also care what the patient feels.
To register the application will prompt an email and password and other basic information to create your account.
Access via user name and password.
Select the spasticity or dystonia disease.
Along with medical data are completed infiltration and the patient enters the system.
After each infiltration, the application asks the user how he is feeling and his quality of life based on treatment goals mobility, health, pain…
Through monitoring and historical data, the application provides graphics and information of evolution to draw conclusions and act on them.